Monday, August 17, 2009

Signing Off

I'm not going to blog anymore.  There's lots to say, but it's too hard for me to explain and share now.  You can't get a ticket for this roller coaster by reading my thoughts -you can see the crazy ups and downs - but my Mom and I are the only passengers experiencing the ride.  It doesn't make a difference if I tell about it or not, it's still the same roller coaster ride, just more people watching me get nauseous on it.

Perhaps I will write again when it strikes me as share-worthy, or perhaps I'll shift topics completely and see if my life has something else to speak to other than my father.  After all, this is called "losANNEgeles link,"  not "My Brain-Damaged Dad," as it probably should have been titled.  

Thank you for the love, thoughts, and encouragement, and for silently sharing in this journey with me.


1 comment:

  1. I'll miss it honey. I can't wait to see you...
